Last year Lancaster Doulas asked local women from Lancaster, Reading, York, and Harrisburg for their experiences breastfeeding their children.
This year, we checked back in with a few of them to see how things are going!

(Melissa Ishman)
My sweet boy is still nursing at week shy of 15 months. Our beginning was rough since he would only latch on one side but that side pulled through and provided him with everything he needed until he got the hang of both. Around 9 months he went back to exclusively nursing off just the one side again but it hasn’t been an issue. He’s a walking, climbing, milkies loving boy! Breastfeeding has been the best source of comfort for him as he is teething (the dreaded molars!) it’s the best feeling know that at least 1 thing can make him feel better on those bad days. We will continue nursing so long as he chooses to!!

(Jennifer Jacobs)
I am still breastfeeding my son. He turned 3 on Thursday. My daughter declared herself weaned a couple of months ago at five and a half. She had been thinking about it a lot. She told me it was really just too hard to get milk and that weaning didn’t mean no more snuggles. I don’t miss breastfeeding her at all and I am so glad it ended the way it did. My son nurses pretty frequently still including once overnight and I am interested to see how his weaning compares with my daughter’s. I think the only part I dislike now is waking up at night with a three year old. I am grateful for what breastfeeding has contributed to my relationship with my children and their relationship with each other.

(Amanda Duncan)
I’ve been nursing Micah for 16 months now and have been continually nursing for 4 years and 4 months. Things are much easier now than in the beginning. We currently still nurse on demand, and little man can be quite demanding! I hope to make it to at least 3 years with him, but we will wean whenever he decides the time is right. My nursing relationship with my children is honestly something that I can’t even begin to describe. The way they look up at me like they know it is my body providing them the nourishment needed to survive is the sweetest look I’ve ever received. I still love breast feeding as much today as I did when we first started and I see no end in sight.
Lancaster Doulas serves: Adams, Berks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Montgomery, Schuykill and York Counties