What is a Doula?

A doula is a birth professional who is an expert in childbirth and infant care.

Doulas recognize the significance of your birth experience and how it can shape you as a parent and partner for years to come. A doula can help you have a safe, memorable, and empowering birth and postpartum.



Birth Doulas

Most doula-client relationships begin a few months before the baby is due, although Lancaster Doulas is unique in that we are able to support you fully even if you hire us in labor.

During your pregnancy your doula will develop a relationship in which you are free to ask questions, express fears and concerns, and take an active role in creating a birth preference list.

Your doula is available by phone from the moment you hire Lancaster Doulas to answer questions or address any concerns that might arise during the course of your pregnancy.

Your doula does not provide medical care. However, they are knowledgeable in many medical aspects of labor and delivery and each hospitals specific rules and regulations. As such, your doula can help you gain a better understanding of the procedures and possible complications in late pregnancy or delivery.

Your doula has the ability to provide comfort with pain-relief techniques including breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, massage, and laboring positions.

Your doula will not take the place of your partner. They will encourage participation from your partner and offer them reassurance while reminding them of the importance of self care.

Your doula is not your advocate, but rather will help you create an amazing team of care providers who will respect your birth desires and honor your goals to have a positive and safe birth, whether un-medicated or cesarean.

After the birth, your doula will spend time encouraging bonding between the new baby and other family members. This could take the form of breastfeeding support, skin to skin with family member’s, or even helping with your baby’s first bath.


Postpartum Doulas

A Postpartum Doula specializes in care of you and your family after the birth of a child.

Your Postpartum Doula stays up to date on the newest American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations so you have the most up to date information on baby care.

Your Postpartum Doula can answer all your baby care questions such as how to swaddle, how to bathe your baby, how to cut their nails, does this poop look ok, what type of bottle is recommended.

Your Postpartum Doula also is an expert in your healing and needs. She can help you practice self care like remembering to eat, making sure you take a shower or nap, and taking some time for yourself.

Your Postpartum Doula is like having a mix between your mother and best friend at your side affirming your parenting style while offering helpful advice and tips.

Your Postpartum Doula will make you feel like the queen you are. You just did the hard work of delivering your baby, now let us take care of you so you can heal and enjoy these early weeks and months as you get to know your new baby!

Lancaster Doulas is the expert in baby care for multiples. Having one baby is hard enough and having twins or triplets can feel overwhelming.  Our Postpartum Doulas are extremely versed in helping you create a schedule that works for your needs and babies.

Our Doulas are fully vaccinated. We strongly believe in your personal choice to vaccinate, but our doulas take the extra step to ensure we are not putting you or your children at risk.